Our Essential Businesses are open and ready to serve you.

Groceries and Supplies


Good Earth


Daily 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Daily 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Reserved hours are for those who are 60+, pregnant, or immunocompromised. We ask for your help in maintaining this hour for the most vulnerable members of our community.

Online Ordering
Curbside pick up and delivery are available in Fairfax and San Anselmo. There is a huge demand for this service. We are working as quickly as possible to train our staff and open up more order slots. Shop online here.

We are installing acrylic barriers at our checkstands, and getting masks for all staff. We ask customers to wear a cloth mask when shopping.

See the most current updates on our site


Fairfax Market


Fairfax Market is open 6am to Midnight


Fairfax IGA Market bridges the gap between supermarket and organics.  Lots of regular supermarket products but also stocked with a substantial variety of  natural, organic and gluten-free foods and beverages. With an in-store deli and fresh food prep area, the Fairfax IGA Market may have just what you are looking for.


Fairfax Lumber

We have new plexiglass register screens and floor markings for social distancing.

We have new plexiglass register screens and floor markings for social distancing.


Open M-F 7:30 to 6 and Sat & Sun 8:30 to5

Fairfax Lumber & Hardware has made it easier than ever to get your hardware and housewares essentials delivered right to your home, office or car door!

It's as easy as 1-2-3. Here are the ways:

     1. HOME/OFFICE DELIVERY - Please give us a call at 415-453-4410 to place your order. We will shop the order, package it up and deliver it right to your home or office;

     2. CURBSIDE PICK-UP- Give us a call at 415-453-4410 to place your order, schedule a time and we will deliver the order right to your car door when you pull up to our Guard Shack at our store; or,

     3. ONLINE - Visit AceHardware.com, select Fairfax Lumber and Hardware as your store and place your order for delivery. We don’t recommend direct shipping from AceHardware.com - if you need help, call us at 415-453-4410 and we can assist you with your online order.

We are open 7 days a week and happy to assist with all your hardware and housewares, as we will get through these uncertain times together!


Fairfax Farmer’s Market


Opening May 6.
We have a new website www.ilovefarmersmarkets.org

Through the new website we are doing an online shopping system with curbside pick up at the market. We are looking for both volunteers to help with shopping, organizing orders and potentially delivering. We also are looking for funding to help pay for this service.

If there are local essential business that want to participate to please contact us at info@ilovefarmersmarkets.org or me directly at kbmarks79@gmail.com

Love your market? Follow these guidelines to keep market safe and open:
• Stay home if you’re sick.
• Consider sending one shopper for your household and neighbors. We will be limiting the number of customers at the market at any one time.
• Farmers markets are setting up curbside pickup for those who want or need to limit their contact with others.
• Honor physical distancing of 6 ft at all times and observe posted signage indicating where to stand/wait.
• Wait for the vendor to engage with you as we are moving away from a self-serve model. Let the vendors pick for you and only touch what you will buy.
• Wash hands regularly, and always before/as you enter and exit the market. If you cough, sneeze or touch your face, please do so away from people and food into a tissue and immediately wash your hands.
• Keep your visit short- plan ahead and make a list. • Please take your conversations online instead of in the market.
• Please show kindness and respect to your fellow farmers’ market shoppers. If you need space, remind people gently. Remember that folks from the same household do not need to practice the 6 ft physical distancing.

 Description of EBs, listings go here