Municipal & Utilities


Age Friendly Fairfax


At this unsettling time, we are encouraging those in need, or those wanting to volunteer to go to the Fairfax Volunteer Match Program or email: or call 415.250.5129 if you have a need such as shopping, getting prescriptions filled, picking up take-out, dog walking or just a phone call if you’re getting lonely or concerned.



Pacific Gas and Electric Company, incorporated in California in 1905, is one of the largest combination natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, the company is a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation.

The company provides natural gas and electric service to approximately 16 million people throughout a 70,000-square-mile service area in northern and central California.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company and other utilities in the state are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission.

Marin County Waste Management


the Waste Management Division of the Marin County Department of Public Works is responsible for administering zero waste programs and solid waste collection franchises for the unincorporated areas of the County, the CUPA program regulating hazardous waste operations, and provides staff to the Marin County Hazardous and Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority.


Post Office

415-453-3146 - 773 Center Blvd

The Post Office is open normal business hours 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

All Business mail will be redirected to be held at the Fairfax Post

All mail can be picked up during regular business hours and on Saturday 9 to 11 am.

Any Questions you can call the Very Proud Postmaster of Fairfax, Judy Bartlett-Running Deer at 415-453-3146 between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm

Marin Sanitary Service

565 Jacoby Street San Rafael, CA 94901 - 415–456-2601

Marin Sanitary Service provides curbside recycling, solid waste, yard waste and food scraps hauling, safe hazardous waste disposal and many other services that are helping to achieve Marin County’s goal of zero waste.


Ross Valley Fire Department

777 San Anselmo Ave. San Anselmo, CA 94960 - 415 – 258-4686 -

Ross Valley Fire Department is a consolidated department with the mission of protecting lives, property and the environments of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service while working together in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest respectful and ethical.

MCE Clean Energy

415-464-6010 -

MCE is a not-for-profit, public electricity provider that gives customers the choice of having 50% to 100% of their electricity supplied from clean, renewable sources such as solar, wind, bioenergy, geothermal and hydroelectric at competitive rates. MCE provides service to 255,000 California customers in Marin County, Napa County and the cities of Benicia, El Cerrito, Lafayette, Richmond, San Pablo, and Walnut Creek.


Supervisor Katie Rice, County of Marin

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

3501 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903

415 – 473-7331 -

As your representative in County Government, my hope is that this site provides you with current and helpful information about issues affecting our County and communities, helps you navigate and access county services and resources, and encourages you to be engaged and involved in county government.